How will I know I may have diabetes?
These are the most common symptoms of diabetes:
- More urine
- More thirst
- More appetite
These can be confirmed by tests.
- HbA1c. More than 6.7
- Fasting sugar more than 126
- 2hour after 75gm glucose. above 180
Can I feel high and low sugar?
Some symptoms like palpitations, sweating can be for hypoglycemia, but they are not fully reliable.
Hypoglycemia means that your blood sugar level at that time is low.
How often should I get myself tested if I have strong family history of diabetes?
May be every six months, or along with your regular preventive health checkup or as and when some related symptoms are observed.
Am I at risk of developing diabetes if I had diabetes during last pregnancy?
Of course, you are at risk of having Type 2 diabetes At least six monthly check up is desirable.
What are the consequences of diabetes? What if diabetes is left untreated or not properly treated ?
Consequences could be various diseases and death
Death may be because of hyperglycemia, infection, heart attack, renal failure etc.
Are diabetics being at risk of other diseases?
Yes, diabetics can be at risk of various diseases – infection, heart attack, renal failure etc.
What is diabetic coma ?
Diabetic coma may be due to raised blood sugar
- Due to ketones
- Due to low blood sugar following over treatment