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Diabetes Q&A – Part 1

What is diabetes?

By diabetes we mean diabetes mellitus It is a clinical condition associated with raised blood sugar level more urine more appetite and wright loss.

How did I get diabetes?

In some cases, it is inherited from parents as in Type 1

In others it occurs mostly due to exhaustion of B cells of pancreas secreting Insulin. This is the majority of the cases and is called Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus has been defined above. Diabetes Insipidus is a pituitary disorder associated with more urine.

What are some symptoms of diabetes?

  • More appetite
  • More urine
  • More thirst
  • Weight loss

Can Diabetes be cured?

No, it cannot be cured but can be managed well.

When are children at risk?

Only when parents’ diabetic children are at risk.

Can a person have both Type 1 &, Type 2 diabetes?

No, they are two different types and same person cannot have both type.

What is Border line diabetes?

Also called prediabetic. They have tendency to turn into Type 2 diabetes on next 10 yrs.

  • Fasting blood sugar levels between 110-125
  • After meal or glucose above140
  • Indicate prediabetic or Border line diabetes

What is diabetes of pregnancy?

This is also called gestational diabetes. Certain women fail to make enough insulin during pregnancy and so they develop diabetes during pregnancy. They are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes

Can gestational diabetes be dangerous for patient and baby

It is harmful both for mother and the baby. It may cause premature delivery or still birth that is fetal death.

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