Health Insights

Diet and exercise for diabetes ( Q&A – Part 6)

Is diet and exercise management sufficient for diabetes?

Diet and exercise are always good for health. In case of diabetes, they can help manage very mild and early cases for some time.

Some diet tips for prevention as well as a management.

An average Indian diet is ok for diabetes. Ensure proper and small frequent meals.

  • Plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits
  • Fish in plenty, and eggs., chicken may be preferred to mutton (red meat).
  • Milk, and dry fruits.
  • Avoid sweets, sweet fruits etc.
Health Insights

Medicines for diabetes ( Q&A-Part 5)

What are the best and safest pills for diabetes?

METFORMIN up to 2000 mg may be said best for mild cases. This helps control high blood sugar, and may be used with proper diet and exercise as well as other medications, on advise of a medical practitioner.

(Please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any medicines.)

Who should take pills and who should take insulin?

Every case of Type 1 diabetes also called Juvenile diabetes needs insulin.

In Type 2 also called maturity onset diabetes we start with pills, but insulin may be added as a supplement or sole treatment as the case may be.

If I start with Insulin, will I ever get off it?

For Type 1 insulin is the sole option. On Type 2 we have various option. Insulin as supplement or sole treatment is last option.

(Please consult your healthcare practitioner.)

Health Insights

Diabetes and related health issues ( Q & A Part 4)

What is diabetic neuropathy?

It is a type of nerve damage that occurs in daibetes. This mostly affects feet and legs.

What is diabetic retinopathy?

It is damage to the blood vessels in retina of eyes. May also lead to vision loss.

What is diabetic nephropathy?

It is diabetes related kidney diseases and occurs in almost 25 percent cases.

Why does the risk of blood vessels damage increase in diabetes?

Raised blood sugar level causes abnormality in platelets and cells of vascular endothelium. This in turn causes macrovascular and microvascular damage.

Can my diabetes impact one’s sex life?

It causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. This can be prevented or managed by:

  • Good control of Sugar
  • Exercise
  • Cooperative partner

Does diabetes lead to memory loss?

Memory loss may occur late. Better blood sugar control can help.

What’s the relevance of footwear and foot care for diabetics?

As a part of peripheral neuropathy foot is susceptible to ulcer burn, infection etc. If not cared properly and condition deteriorates it may also lead to amputation.

Health Insights

How will I know I may have diabetes ? Q & A – Part 3

How will I know I may have diabetes?

These are the most common symptoms of diabetes:

  • More urine
  • More thirst
  • More appetite

These can be confirmed by tests.

  • HbA1c.   More than 6.7
  • Fasting sugar more than 126
  • 2hour after 75gm glucose. above 180

Can I feel high and low sugar?

Some symptoms like palpitations, sweating can be for hypoglycemia, but they are not fully reliable.

Hypoglycemia means that your blood sugar level at that time is low.

How often should I get myself tested if I have strong family history of diabetes?

May be every six months, or along with your regular preventive health checkup or as and when some related symptoms are observed.

Am I at risk of developing diabetes if I had diabetes during last pregnancy?

Of course, you are at risk of having Type 2 diabetes At least six monthly check up is desirable.

What are the consequences of diabetes? What if diabetes is left untreated or not properly treated ?

Consequences could be various diseases and death

Death may be because of hyperglycemia, infection, heart attack, renal failure etc.

Are diabetics being at risk of other diseases?

Yes, diabetics can be at risk of various diseases – infection, heart attack, renal failure etc.

What is diabetic coma ?

Diabetic coma may be due to raised blood sugar

  • Due to ketones
  • Due to low blood sugar following over treatment
Health Insights

Diabetes Q&A – Part 2

Can diabetes be prevented?

Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by increasing physical activity and maintaining proper body weight. Regular exercise helps in preventing Type 2 diabetes. It helps by reducing or maintaining weight.  Also, during active exercises muscles do utilize glucose even without help of insulin.

Can Type 1 diabetes be prevented?

No, it cannot be prevented.

How does weight affect risk of diabetes?

Weight increases insulin resistance and so diminished efficacy of insulin. It also causes exhaustion of B cells of pancreas and so there may be less insulin as well.

Are there medicines that help prevent diabetes?

Till date no such medicine available.

Are there any special diet that help prevent diabetes?

Average Indian diet is a diabetic diet. We should concentrate on following points:

  • Small frequent meal
  • Plenty of green vegetables
  • About half liter milk
  • Up to five spoonful of good fat like mustard oil olive oil ghee etc.
  • Fish in plenty
  • To minimize mutton and eggs.

How does stress impact the risk of diabetes ?

Prolonged stress may precipitate diabetes Type 2 by increasing adrenergic drive.

What other factors increase the risk of diabetes?

  • Family history of diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle etc.

How can we reduce the risk of diabetes in children?

Give them habit of increased physical activity and maintain their body weight.

Health Insights

Diabetes Q&A – Part 1

What is diabetes?

By diabetes we mean diabetes mellitus It is a clinical condition associated with raised blood sugar level more urine more appetite and wright loss.

How did I get diabetes?

In some cases, it is inherited from parents as in Type 1

In others it occurs mostly due to exhaustion of B cells of pancreas secreting Insulin. This is the majority of the cases and is called Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus has been defined above. Diabetes Insipidus is a pituitary disorder associated with more urine.

What are some symptoms of diabetes?

  • More appetite
  • More urine
  • More thirst
  • Weight loss

Can Diabetes be cured?

No, it cannot be cured but can be managed well.

When are children at risk?

Only when parents’ diabetic children are at risk.

Can a person have both Type 1 &, Type 2 diabetes?

No, they are two different types and same person cannot have both type.

What is Border line diabetes?

Also called prediabetic. They have tendency to turn into Type 2 diabetes on next 10 yrs.

  • Fasting blood sugar levels between 110-125
  • After meal or glucose above140
  • Indicate prediabetic or Border line diabetes

What is diabetes of pregnancy?

This is also called gestational diabetes. Certain women fail to make enough insulin during pregnancy and so they develop diabetes during pregnancy. They are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes

Can gestational diabetes be dangerous for patient and baby

It is harmful both for mother and the baby. It may cause premature delivery or still birth that is fetal death.